We're Back! - With a few little differences to keep you all safe.
After the strangest 3 months we've ever experienced, we are delighted to have opened our doors again this week. We have missed seeing our lovely customers for so long! In order to keep us all safe though, we have made a few little changes to how we work.
Firstly, our opening hours. We are now open from Wednesday to Saturday from 10am-4pm. This is so that we can reserve Monday and Tuesday for home visits or private appointments for any customers who wish to visit at a time when they know they will not run the risk of meeting others or having to wait for us to be free. We can also offer home visits before and after shop hours on Wednesday to Saturday.
So, how will the shop look when you do visit? We have provided a hand sanitising station that we will request all customers to use as they enter. Once inside, everything is as it was ... except even cleaner! We will be cleaning all surfaces that our customers regularly come into contact with between every customer, including door handles, the desk and the card machine. We appreciate that it is not possible to choose your perfect flooring without feeling the textures and depths of our beautifully soft carpets, but we will be asking customers to handle our sampling as little as possible. We will be requesting that only customers from a single household are in the shop at any one time, so if we already have customers in you may be asked to wait outside. We apologise for this, but we just want to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep both you and us safe.
What about home visits? We are still able to offer our free home measuring and estimating service. We will be limiting this to visiting one home per day (or two on Mondays and Tuesdays when there is time for Mike to return home to change PPE between visits). We will be wearing a washable face covering on any home visits and will sanitise hands before entering your home and again when we leave. We have a laser measure to enable to us to limit contact with your belongings and will be asking customers to maintain social distancing during our visit. Any sampling that we take to a customer's home will be taken out of circulation and stored separately in the back area of our shop for 72 hours before being taken out to any other customer to ensure that we do not risk any cross-contamination that way.
What will happen when your new flooring is fitted? Our fitters will also be wearing a washable face covering whenever they are working in your home and will carry hand sanitiser to use before entering your home. As our fitters will be working in your home for a length of time, once you have let them in they will request that you wait in another room until the fitting is complete. Any surfaces they touch in the process of fitting will be wiped down before they leave. Wherever possible, our fitters will be working alone, but where this is not possible they will be working in a set pair and will limit their contact as much as they can.Most importantly, we request that if you have any symptoms of Covid 19, such as a new and persistent cough, temperature or change to your sense of taste or smell, that you do not visit the shop or arrange a home visit until you are feeling better. Similarly, if any of our team develop symptoms at any time, we will be self-isolating as per the government guidelines. We will still be here waiting for you when you recover and when all of this is over and life-as-we-know-it can return.
We hope that this information will help our customers to be confident that we are doing everything we possibly can to keep everyone safe in the current circumstances. Stay safe everyone x
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