See inside M&F Carpets
You can now visit our shop in Burnham-on-Sea virtually using a computer, tablet or phone even when we're shut!
We have now been added to Google Street view, you'll find us at 10 Abingdon Street, Burnham-on-Sea or alternatively we've posted a snapshot of the virtual tour in this blog post.
We hid out of the way while the lovely people from Better Reach took their clever 360-degree photos so you get the shop all to yourself. The photos were taken back in January, so we've already added some new ranges to the shop since the photos were taken, maybe we should run a spot the difference competition when you come in to the shop.
We're really pleased with how the shop looks in the pictures, they're great quality and you can even see our ceiling and some of our office!
However, nothing beats visiting the shop in person, as unfortunately we can't show you the feel of our carpet via the computer just yet (but I'm sure there's one of these clever computer-y type people working on it somewhere!).
Mike and I look forward to welcoming you into our shop in the future.
Best wishes and happy viewing
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